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    [10%할인] [절판] [영문판]쌍파울로 연합교회 이야기-gonsanim querido querida
    제품번호 13292068493600
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    적립금 650원
    브랜드 도서출판디모데
    ISBN 978-89-388-1540-8
    저자/역자 김요환,전도명
    발행쪽수 290쪽
    발행일 2012-02-06
    크기 A5
    브랜드 도서출판디모데
    무게 570g
    배송비 3,500원 (50,000원 이상 주문시 무료 )
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    Currently, there are a total of approximately 4,300 Korean diaspora churches scattered in 124 countries around the world. This book is a record of how one of the Diaspora Korean Churches, Sao Paulo United Korean Church of Brazil has been successful in the multigenerational and multicultural ministry that is the hardest issue of the immigrant churches. In April 1964, about 20 church members who were agricultural immigrants gathered to worship at a church member's house located in a suburb of Sao Paulo and it became the beginning of the United Korean Church. 50 years later, departing from the 1st generation Koreans' own community of worship and fellowship, Sao Paulo United Korean Church has equipped right the 2nd and 3rd generation Koreans who have accepted the Brazilian language and culture as the next generation of the church and had fellowship with Brazilians as well, so that today it is a model diaspora church as 'one multiethnic family'.


    You can find the reason why the ministry of Sao Paulo United Korean Church has expanded so much in the pastoral philosophy flowing inside of the church ministry. There is a consistent philosophy inside of the ministry like pastoral leadership to equip lay ministers for Portuguese worship and pastoring, leadership for the congregation to respect and equip the local next generation, consideration of setting the Sunday main service for Portuguese worship, and development the training courses and application that every generation from fetus to old people can be respected and grow in maturity. This was the key of the success as well as the dynamic force for the church to grow the
    congregation and carry out God's calling as a diaspora church.

    This book consists of two parts in order to convey the pastoral philosophy and ministry of the church vividly. In part Ⅰ, the senior pastor Yo-hwan Kim who is a 1st generation pastor summarizes the start of a new ministry at Sao Paulo United Korean Church, the formulation of the philosophy behind it and Korean service. In part Ⅱ, pastor Do-myung Chun who emigrated in his youth summarizes the multicultural ministry and planning and execution of Portuguese service.


    'Becoming one through respect and self-sufficiency' is a pastoral role model for the diaspora Korean churches scattered worldwide. Also we will be encouraged to restore the glory of God's church by getting insights on the biblical principles for scattered Korean churches to flourish where they are planted.


    저자 소개

    AUTHORS: Yo-hwan Kim

    After graduating at Hapdong Theological Seminary(M.Div), he was sent off by the General Assembly of the
    Presbyterian Church of Korea as a missionary and appointed senior pastor of Sao Paulo United Korean
    Church in 1989, where he continues to serve today. He leads his ministry with an open heart towards all
    nations, and is known for being a pioneer who expanded the ministry boundaries of the Diaspora church.

    AUTHORS: Do-myung Chun

    He immigrated to Brazil in 1971 and grew up in the Sao Paulo United Korean Church. His participation in
    short term missions as a young medical student was the trigger that later led him and his wife
    (dermatologist) to serve in medical missions for 10 years. In 2002, he received his M.Div. at Fuller
    Theological Seminary, and is currently serving as the pastor in charge of "Diversity Under One Church" at
    Sao Paulo United Korean Church.




    Preface … 9

    Part Ⅰ_Yo-hwan Kim

    Section 1 The First Ministry - A Responding Ministry
    Chapter 1 The First Korean Church in South America … 15
    Chapter 2 The Unprepared Minister … 17
    Chapter 3 God Shattered My Ignorance and Pride … 21
    Chapter 4 The Difference Between Imaginary Pain and Actual Pain … 25
    Chapter 5 The Preparation for a New Start Begins … 31
    Chapter 6 Taking on a New Challenge with an Assertive Attitude … 41

    Section 2 The Start of a New Ministry ? Starting with Respect
    Chapter 7 The Ministry of a Diaspora Church Lies in Missions … 51
    Chapter 8 My Attitude Towards the Next Generation … 55
    Chapter 9 True Love Is Respect … 59
    Chapter 10 The Reason We Must Respect Other Parts of the Body … 63
    Chapter 11 When You Show Respect, You Gain Partners for Ministry … 69

    Section 3 Same Ministry, Different Applications
    Chapter 12 A Community Trained for a Lifetime … 73
    Chapter 13 The Development of Customized Lifetime Training Process … 75
    Chapter 14 Farm Ministry? Community of Small Groups … 103
    Chapter 15 Raising Leaders … 107

    Section 4 Self-sufficiency, For the Mission of the Diaspora Church
    Chapter 16 A Life That Fulfills the Lord's Will … 113
    Chapter 17 From "Two Families Under One Roof" to "One Multiethnic Family" … 117
    Chapter 18 A Community That "Fully Responds" … 123
    Chapter 19 Innovation … 127

    Part Ⅱ _ Do-myung Chun

    Section 5 Becoming One in the Lord: Preparation
    Chapter 20 The Identity of the Korean Diaspora Church and Multicultural
    People … 137
    Chapter 21 The Generation Gap of Bicultural Korean-Brazilians … 141
    Chapter 22 The Cultural Anthropological Approach: Cultural Symbiosis … 149
    Chapter 23 Moses' Thorough Loss of Identity … 155
    Chapter 24 God Who Restored Moses' Identity … 159
    Chapter 25 Jonah's Identity of Reversed Priorities … 165
    Chapter 26 Paul's Identity Grounded in the Trinity … 171
    Chapter 27 Apostle Paul's Mindset: "God's Kingdom at the Core of Missions" … 177

    Section 6 Becoming One in the Lord: Process
    Chapter 28 Understanding Brazilians … 183
    Chapter 29 To Whom Does the "United Korean Church" Belong? … 199
    Chapter 30 How the United Korean Church's Portuguese Ministry Began … 205
    Chapter 31 The "Becoming One in the Lord" Movement: First Stage … 223
    Chapter 32 The "Becoming one in the Lord" movement:
    Second Stage … 239

    Section 7 Becoming One in the Lord: Purpose
    Chapter 33 Why Do We Have to Become One in the Lord? … 249
    Chapter 34 The United Korean Church's Bridging Growth Emphasizes Relationship and Participation … 263
    Chapter 35 Mutual Respect Will Achieve Missions … 275

    Afterword … 285
    Footnotes … 289



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